Most Children Had Invisible Friends - I Had Books.

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Most children had invisible friends. 

I had books. 

I know that sounds crazy. It really does. But when I was a kid, I would spend hours in my room, in my bed, curled up with a book. 

I would talk to them. I would write in them. And I honestly felt like they were my friends. 

So, when I read something in a book - especially one that spoke to my spirit - I would listen. 

My inner world has grown exponentially due to my love of reading. 

And this love affair has continued throughout my life. 

And calling myself a book lover is not cutting it - not even close. It’s such an oversimplification. A downgrade from the truth. 

My soul speaks through words.

My heart belongs to books. 

They are my lovers and my friends.

Only a fellow bibliophile truly understands.

Thank goodness my crazy is a part of my calling. 

My intense love of books led me to two Bachelor’s degrees in Political Science and Women’s Studies (hello Literature/English degree!), a Master’s degree in journalism, being published worldwide, editing books, a law degree (reading upon reading) and even being the Editor-In-Chief of my law review (one of my all-time favorite gigs). 

This love of books is just one of the ways God talks to me. 

And it’s one of the main ways I know I am meant to serve. I see books. I hear stories. I listen for the God whisper and messages meant for me and meant for you. 

If you’re hearing a whisper in your soul to write a book or feeling an urge to get your message out there, I’d love to help. I’d love to serve that God aligned story pouring through you in service to the world. 

So, call me crazy… Books are my best friend. 

To chat about your inner voice or story, schedule a free 20 minute call.

In gratitude,


“Damn. Did I Say That?”


Your Voice Must Be The Loudest, Clearest and Truest.