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I Know That It Feels SCARY To Believe In Our Dreams...

I know that it feels SCARY to believe in our dreams... think they could really happen
...and then to act in line with those thoughts and beliefs. 

I used to be afraid to embrace my craziest, wildest dreams - - like becoming a mama, yogi, lawyer, journalist/writer, coach, or starting a podcast/show, hosting an international yoga & meditation retreat etc. - - until I realized the alternative. 

Living a life that isn't full of my dreams actualized. 

Living a life based on what someone else thinks is best for me. 

Ultimately, selling out my soul. 

Because if I don't give my dreams a chance, they are guaranteed not to happen. 

So for my logical friends out there, living that quiet and "safe" life - - 

Not pursuing your dreams is contributing to them not happening. 

It's a guarantee for a mediocre, "just good enough" existence where you are SETTLING for less than your best and your Divine aligned life. 


I'd rather have lived FULL OUT, failed a few times, gotten back up, and kept in pursuit of my Spirit given dreams...

All the while knowing I am one step closer.


In presence and gratitude,

p.s. And for the souls who want to learn more about soulful manifestation and increase their inner and outer abundance, apply to work with me. Link below!

p.p.s. photo taken of me doing a posture (handstand) that I thought I'd never be able to do and hold - much less become a yoga teacher! YASSSSSSS!!